News Sources (#1)


I spend a lot of time on Twitter so this is how I get the majority of my news. It does a good job of summarizing what the issue is and includes any relevant tweets or websites. I like getting my news from Twitter because I feel like I can get an overview of the topic without having to read a ton of articles. A downside of Twitter is that users sometimes post information that is untrue, so it's important to fact check tweets outside of any news highlights. Twitter also does live streams of important debates and court cases. I like the accessibility of this feature and I tend to pop in for a few minutes when they're going on.

Fox News

Firstly, I really don't like Fox News and I think Tucker Carlson is ridiculous. However, my mom has it on all the time at home so I'm subjected to listen to it. While I don't have a lot of positive things to say about Fox News, I do think it's worth something to hear from a point of view that I may not agree with. I don't think this channel does much to inform me about news as it does opinions on current events.


Snapchat is another app that I get my news from. Sometimes there is information on current events, but it's mostly celebrity and influencer drama. I don't use this often because I find that there's usually very little detail, and they rarely give the full story or link to a site that does. I would compare Snapchat's new page to tabloids since it's all about catching your attention and getting you to read rather than actually providing information. Overall, I would stick to using Snapchat just for entertainment. 

Google News

Sometimes when I use Google the news tab will show on the front page and give me an overview of any current events in the world. While this is not my main source of news, I will click on a link if it really interests me. For the most part, I just use this to get an idea of what's going on in the world. I don't find myself reading articles too frequently.


I rarely use YouTube for news, but when I do it's mostly celebrity and influencer drama. However, having that option is nice and often times YouTube will recommend coverage of current issues on their homepage. That way, even if I don't watch the video, I still get to see important headlines. YouTube pushes professional press coverage as opposed to content from its' user base. This makes me see it more as a legitimate option for getting news.
