Final Blog Post

    I would describe my relationship with technology as incredibly unhealthy. Aside from sleeping, I spend every second looking at a screen either for school or downtime. If you asked about my hobbies, I would say I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, and scrolling on social media. I use social media to make friends and stay connected with my friends while I'm away. I also use technology for studying and getting information. I would really like to improve my relationship with media and expand my hobbies. Although, it's hard because it's so easily accessible and entertaining. It can feel addicting at times

    My digital footprint is very small. When you google my name the only thing that comes up related to me is my Facebook, which I don't use very often. My name is very common so almost all the search results are related to other people as opposed to me. I'm sure if you specified the search to my personal information I might be more prevalent among the results. It's important to be conscious when posting online, as it can easily be traced back to you and will remain accessible forever on the internet.

    As for the technology in the world, I can see both the pros and cons. Technology has improved efficiency and made information easily accessible. However, not everything on the internet is true. People spread false information in order to further their agenda or scam unsuspecting people out of personal information and money. On the other hand, technology has made some things safer by making an effort to protect online identities. With the internet also comes anonymity which can be dangerous. People feel safe to say or do whatever they please behind a screen. On social media, this can lead to anxiety and depression from online harassment. Social media also presents a false reality, which can lead to insecurity. Apps like Instagram only show the good things in life as well as photos edited beyond perfection. Social media isn't all bad though, it can keep you in touch with old friends across the world.

    Technology has greatly improved productivity for business allowing for online orders and fast shipping. It also allows for a faster production. However, this leads to a loss of jobs for certain labor workers. It also is expensive to create and produce these machines. During the pandemic, technology has made people safer by allowing for online deliveries, no touch menus, and screenings. It has greatly improved the state of online learning and made education accessible. Overall, like everything, technology has it's pros and cons; I don't see it going away anytime soon. Technology is here to stay and it will keep improving.
